Voice Recognition

Third Grade


  • In Bible students study the life of Christ and the early Church.  They will learn about God the Father, God the Son and God the Holy Spirit, who make up the Trinity.  God is all powerful, always present and all-knowing.  They will also learn that God sent Jesus to the world in human form, fully God and fully man, and that He humbled Himself to live sinlessly and pay the penalty for sin by dying on the cross.  Jesus' death on the cross provides salvation to everyone in the world who believes in Him as their Savior the Lord.  Students will also study the structure and purpose of the Bible.

  • In math, students will receive comprehensive, spiral, math instruction that includes, math facts, warm-ups, mental math, problem solving, lesson overview and written practice.  3rd graders begin the year with such concepts as, addition, subtraction, time, calendar, and money.  As we progress through the year we focus more on multiplication, division, fractions, mixed numbers, measurement, perimeter, area, volume and estimating.

  • In  science, students will identify the orderliness and precision of God's creation through such topics as animals, plants, ecosystems, matter, sound energy, rocks and minerals, weather, the solar system, and the human body.

  • Third grade is where students go from learning to read to reading to learn.  Because of this, language arts and social studies are intertwined through the reading of nonfiction informational texts and several historical fiction novels.   Reading and writing skills move beyond decoding to identifying main idea, cause and effect, and summarization.

  • In the fall of third grade, students will also have a special unit on Kentucky studies that emphasizes the unique aspects of the state’s history and culture.  The unit culminates with a field trip to Fort Harrod State Park.  Throughout the year, students will learn about each region of the United States, information about each state, capitals, resources, landforms and major landmarks.
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