Voice Recognition

Social Studies


6th Grade Geography and History through Primary Sources
Students will begin the year with an in-depth study of general geography, including map reading, identification, terminology, relative and absolute location, etc.  Students will review American Presidents, states and capitols, relevant terminology, and other general knowledge as we study US history thru present day. We will focus on analyzing and learning from numerous forms of primary sources and do some kinesthetic, project-based learning along with outside readings. Included will be basics of our economic system, government, and political ideologies.  Biblical integration and use of supporting resources and technology will be present throughout our study.
7th Grade World History
- A study of the history of the medieval world and beyond – From the Roman Empire to The Enlightenment Period using projects, art, literature and food.  Units include Ancient Greece, Ancient Rome, Medieval period/Dark Ages, European exploration and more.
8th Grade U.S. History
- A study of the history of the European Exploration and Settlement in America to The Rise of Industry and Immigration in America using projects, art, literature and food.  Units include Revolutionary War, Colonial America, Civil War, up to World War II.

7th and 8th grade students typically have an opportunity to compete in various essay contests as well as the National Geography Bee and National History Day contests.
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